Fun Facts About Mobile Devices
When was the last time you were in a coffee shop, an airport or on a train and didn’t see anyone staring down at their phone? Probably before the launch of the iPhone, circa 2007. A mobile-driven world demands certain conveniences.
Thanks to the massive popularity of smartphones, PayLease now has a handy mobile app for iPhone and Android users. Our payment site is also optimized for any mobile device to make paying rent on-the-go easy for anyone.
Make sure you’re sharing this feature with your residents, especially if you have a community of young renters. According to our research, the age group most likely to pay a bill with a mobile device is 18-30.
Coincidentally, what age group makes up the biggest population of renters? You guessed it. According to the National Multi-Housing Council (NMHC), 43% of renters are under the age of 30.
Need more convincing? Here are a couple of fun facts about mobile devices:
- 42% of Americans use mobile devices to access the Internet.
- There are 5x as many cellphones in the world as PCs.
- Over a third of Black Friday sales in 2014 were made with a mobile device
- About 41.2 percent of traffic to retail websites on Cyber Monday came from mobile devices, along with 22 percent of sales.
- In 2013, mobile phones beat out PCs as the most common web access devices worldwide.
- 73 percent of smartphone users say they used the mobile web to make a purchase instead of using an app.
So when you are listing off the ways residents can pay their rent, don’t forget to mention mobile!
Sources: USA Today, ImpigoMobile, Branding Brand, CBS News,,